All students are expected to attend each class for which he or she has registered for. If your child is not able to attend class on a given day, please notify the studio by clicking on the absentee notice tab on the upper right hand corner of this page or call us at 781-545-3100. There will be NO refunds for any classes missed. Missed classes can be made-up by attending another scheduled class. A 24 hour notice is required to re-schedule your private and semi-private scheduled lesson time. Please call the studio to arrange for your make-up.
Classes are determined by age/grade level. Competitive classes are determined by skill/grade level. Students will be promoted to a higher level at the teacher’s discretion. Visit our schedule page for class details.
Annual Membership Fee
Payment is required with a completed registration form to reserve class space. A registration is not considered complete and class space is not reserved until these requirements are met. This fee covers administration costs, insurance and any other “extras” that might come up throughout the year. There is a non- refundable, non-transferable $50 membership fee for the first child enrolled. $75 family fee for two or more children enrolled.

The dance year will consist of thirty-five weekly classes, which will be divided into 10 monthly payments from September—June. Class weeks will vary between 3-5 weeks each month. There is no charge for school vacations and holidays. DDMA accepts Cash, Checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. All tuition payments are due on the first day of each month. No refunds, reductions or transfers for any reason. All registration, tuition and performance fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. All balances must be paid and up-to-date in order to participate in scheduled events, which includes, but is not limited to performances or recitals. Declined methods of payment include expired credit cards, returned payments and NSF. All of these transactions will be charged a $35 fee.
In the event Massachusetts mandates we must close, we will move our in-studio classes to virtual classes. Tuition will remain the same; no refunds or discounts will be given.
Snow or Inclement Weather
In the event that Scituate Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, classes will be canceled. Please call the studio at 781-545-3100 to check if you are unsure. One inclement weather day is allowed in the schedule. If classes are going to be canceled for that morning/evening, we will send out a mass email.
Parents will receive emails with detailed information including upcoming dates, events, studio closings, ect. Please be sure to read each newsletter and any attachments thoroughly. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their email information is accurate. View the studio calendar here.

Withdrawals and Refunds
For each student to gain experience and expertise in the art of dance, we strongly encourage each dancer to complete the full dance year and not to withdraw for any reason. Notice of withdrawal is required to discontinue any classes. Withdrawal must be done in person and will not be accepted over the phone or via e-mail. Withdrawal must be done at the studio and not with the teacher. Withdrawal must occur by the 15th of the month to discontinue tuition charges for upcoming months. No withdrawals will be accepted after April 1st due to the recital. To withdraw from classes, a parent or adult student must inform studio office staff in person, and complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the studio. Please keep in mind that once paid, all past tuition fees, recital fees and registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Refunds will not be issued due to extenuating circumstances beyond our control.

Recitals and Costumes
We have two annual recitals performed each year. Our Winter Recital is held in December and our Spring Recital is held in June. All of our dance classes participate in both Recitals, with the exception of the Twinkle Babies Class which performs in the Spring Recital only.
For each recital, your student will receive a performance costume, performance tights, a finale t-shirt, a special gift, professional recital video and performance photos.
Photo and Video Release
The studio may take and publicly display any pictures or videos of students. These pictures may appear in the studio, newspapers, on the studio website, social media or printed materials to be used for advertising purposes. Parents and students are not able to protest any such use or receive compensation of any type for use of these pictures. We do not use the student’s name when using these pictures or videos.
Holidays will generally follow school schedules. Holiday dates are listed on our studio calendar.
Parent’s Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all school activities, such as registration days, recitals, extra classes and dates the school is open or closed. The school will post all notices on the message board in the studio lobby, as well as sending notices via e-mail. It is the parent’s responsibility to regularly check these boards and e-mails to ensure they are informed. It is the responsibility of the parents or adult students to inform the school of any address, telephone number or email changes. We do a vast majority of our announcements via e-mail, so it is required that you put an e- mail address on file with us at the time of registration.
Duval Dance and Music Academy reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is unable to teach class. If a teacher is ill and a qualified substitute cannot be arranged, any missed class will be rescheduled.
Code of Conduct
- No food or gum is allowed in the studio. Only water is permitted, no soft drinks.
- No disruptive behavior or foul language is tolerated at any time.
- Children/parents are not permitted in the dance rooms at any time without a DDMA staff member.
- Please be respectful to dancers, staff and other families by keeping the noise level to a minimum in the waiting area.
- Younger siblings must be supervised by an adult figure at all times. The waiting area is not a playroom.
- Students should not arrive more than 5 minutes prior to the start of their class and be picked up promptly at the end of their class. Nor should any student be left unsupervised in the waiting area.